Twin Pregnancy Second Trimester

Twin Pregnancy Second Trimester

Week by Week

Twin Pregnancy Second Trimester

Second Trimester

Weeks 14 – 18

About you…
You are now in the safe zone and can announce your twin pregnancy.

Research your maternity entitlements with your employer. As your belly will be showing much sooner discussing this will be done earlier on in the pregnancy than with a singleton.

Get in early on those waiting lists for childcare and schooling, especially if you want your children to attend a private school.

You may also be considering a nanny or home help once your twins arrive, short or long term.

You may find your morning sickness starts to subside, as the placenta(s) takes over producing the pregnancy hormones that have been making your feel so miserable.

Feeling hungrier than usual is completely normal, so eat as you feel the need remembering to make good choices.

Read more about healthy eating while pregnant with twins

Swelling in your feet and ankles and even hands could be evident. You may need to remove rings from your fingers and possibly buy new, comfortable shoes. During my pregnancy my feet were very swollen and sore, luckily it was summer so I just wore slip on shoes most of the time.

As your centre of gravity starts to shift you may become unbalanced from time to time.

Stretch marks may begin to appear.

Wearing stockings can help prevent varicose veins.

Now is a great time to start planning the twin nursery, one crib or two? What do twin babies really need? Spreading the cost over a few weeks or months will really help you financially.

Having a twins baby shower is also a great way for friends and family to help out, with things like the mountain of diapers you will need along with the cutest baby clothes.
The bonus is you get to celebrate your twins with your nearest and dearest.

Second Trimester

Week 14

Week 14 – Measuring between 2.8 and 3.9 inches with unique fingerprints in place, identical twins will each have their very own set of prints. Their little fingers have separated by now.

Week 14

Week 15

Week 15 – At about 4 inches now beginning to grasp suck and swallow.

Week 15

Week 16

Week 16 – All twenty fingers and twenty toes have finger nails with all limbs and joints in place. Your multiples are now measuring about 4.3 inches.

Week 16

Week 17

Week 17 – They are now gaining weight rapidly turning and kicking while they have enough room to. Your twin babies are practising their breathing with the amniotic fluid.

Week 17

Week 18

Week 18 – The bones are getting stronger and measures about 5.5 inches. The vocal cords are formed at this point.

Week 18

Second Trimester

Weeks 19 – 26

About you…
A more supportive bra maybe in order as your breasts get even bigger.

Aches and pains in your abdomen may be apparent as the ligaments on each side of your uterus continue to stretch as your twinfants grow.

If you haven’t already and wish to participate, book those antenatal classes.

The good news is sex during the middle months can be more enjoyable.

If you are feeling very tired, make sure you are getting enough iron in your diet you may need a supplement. A blood test can determine this. Speak to your doctor regarding this.

Bleeding gums is common as extra blood circulates through your body, causing the gums to swell and bleed. If you are having any issues contact your dentist.

Continue, refine or start writing your birth plan.

Second Trimester

Week 19

Week 19 – The brain is now the only element which continues to develop. They both have a heart beat that’s much faster than your own, the genitals are now in place and your babies measure about 6 inches.

Week 19

Week 20

Week 20 – This is usually the half way point for singletons, but a twin pregnancy is classed full term at 38 weeks. Hair is growing upon their tiny heads and the brain continues to develop. Between 18 and 20 weeks you will usually have an ultrasound , this is when (if you want to know) the sex of your twins can be discovered. It does depend on how they are lying and how much they are wriggling.

Week 20

Week 21

Week 21 – A protective coat has developed around baby’s skin to protect them whilst in the amniotic fluid. Their digestive systems are working as they swallow. They are now between 6.7 and 7.1 inches.

Week 21

Week 22

Week 22 – It’s a great time to start talking and singing to your two babes, that’s right, they can now hear you. Sometimes it can be hard to know what to say; maybe reading them a book would help.

Week 22

Week 23

Week 23 – Teeth have started forming in the gums, both have fully formed eyes and their tiny body’s are proportionate to a newborn though fat has not yet developed.

Week 23

Week 24

Week 24 – Your twin infants are now measuring about 8.3 inches, they are now viable which means they have a chance of surviving if born now. The lungs are getting ready to breath air.

Week 24

Week 25

Week 25 – Now sleeping and waking, both now recognize the sound of your voice.

Week 25

Week 26

Week 26 – The second trimester is coming to an end, with your twins measuring about 9 inches. You may even be able to see a little foot or hand poking out which is responsive to touch.

Week 26


Your twin pregnancy has only one trimester to go (read more on the Third Trimester)! Not long now until you meet your precious two now.


Want to find out what the Signs of Labor are? 

Twins can sometimes be born prematurely, knowing the early signs could help to prolong your twin pregnancy benefiting your unborn babies.

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