Pregnancy Bleeding
And Twin Pregnancies
Vaginal pregnancy bleeding or spotting is very common in the first trimester of a twin pregnancy, and is not always cause for concern. Even more commonly seen in women expecting twins is spotting in early pregnancy as your body adjusts to a multiple pregnancy. Some women may even bleed at the scheduled time of their next period and may not know they are expecting.
Another reason for light bleeding in early pregnancy is when the babies are implanting into your uterus, this usually happens between 8 – 12 days after conception.
It is however important to immediately consult with your doctor with any type of bleeding (hemorrhaging) at any time during pregnancy.
Pregnancy Bleeding – First Trimester
Often women who experience bleeding during the first trimester will suspect a miscarriage, this is not always the case. However you should always contact your doctor with any signs of pregnancy bleeding. They will be able to determine through a series of questions they ask you if there is a problem or not.
A miscarriage is something we all worry about whether we are having multiples or one baby, it occurs before the 20th week of pregnancy and in about 20% of all pregnancies. A twin pregnancy increases the chance of miscarriage due to the fact there are two babies who could have a chromosomal abnormality, which is the cause.
See more on Vanishing Twin Syndrome
Signs and Symptoms of Miscarriage:
- Vaginal bleeding that soaks a sanitary pad in a few hours
- Very strong cramping
- Passing tissue through the vagina
Every pregnancy is different and some women who have miscarried didn’t have any spotting at all. Also about 1 in 4 of expectant mothers will have some type of bleeding during early pregnancy and have perfectly healthy babies.
Sadly a miscarriage is something you are unable to prevent or stop, which can be devastating. This of course doesn’t mean you are unable to have a baby in the future or that you did anything wrong.
Ectopic Pregnancy
An ectopic pregnancy is when an embryo implants outside the uterus like in the fallopian tube. Other less common places for the implant is the cervix, ovary and in the stomach area. Ectopic pregnancies occur in about 2% of all pregnancies.
Women are at greater risk if they have had an infection of the fallopian tubes, past ectopic pregnancy or surgery of the fallopian tubes.
Signs and Symptoms of Ectopic Pregnancies:
- Vaginal bleeding
- Severe lower abdominal pain
- HCG levels that don’t rise as they should
- Strong pressure on your rectum
- Nausea and/or feeling light headed
Molar Pregnancy
A Molar pregnancy is a rare cause of early pregnancy bleeding and sometimes referred to as Gestational Trophoblastic Disease (GTD). This can be discovered through an ultrasound and a test for hCG levels.
Other Reasons for Pregnancy Bleeding
There are other factors that can cause vaginal bleeding:
- Urinary tract infection
- Yeast Infection
- After intercourse due to a tender cervix
- Strong pressure on your rectum
- Hemorrhoids
- Infection in the pelvic cavity
Pregnancy Bleeding – Second & Third Trimesters
Bleeding during pregnancy in the 2nd and 3rd trimesters should be taken more seriously and can be detrimental for both mommy and babies. Any type of bleeding or spotting during this time must immediately be followed by contacting your doctor.
Here are possible reasons for pregnancy bleeding:
Placenta Previa
Placenta Previa is more common in women having twins or more, have scarring of the uterine wall due to previous pregnancies or procedures, or an abnormally developed uterus. This occurs in 1 out of 200 pregnancies.
Placenta Previa is when the placenta grows low down in the womb covering partially or all of the opening to the cervix. An ultrasound examination identifies this issue and is not preventable.
Signs and Symptoms of Placenta Previa:
Placenta Previa can be seen on an ultrasound. Vaginal bleeding can be sudden and painless; occasionally the hemorrhaging (bleeding) can be quite severe and/or accompanied with cramping. There is a higher risk with women having twins or higher order multiples.
Placenta Abruption
Placenta abruption (also known as abruption Placenta) can cause bleeding during pregnancy. The placenta detaches from the uterine wall prematurely, before or during labor. Usually placenta abruption occurs in the last few weeks of pregnancy, affected only 1% of all pregnant women. Symptoms include bleeding and abdominal pain.
Premature Labor
Bleeding in later pregnancy, may be one of the signs of labor having vaginal discharge which could be the mucus plug, also known as a show. If this happens earlier then the 37th week of pregnancy then preterm labor can be of concern and you should contact you doctor straight away.
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