Labor Bag Checklist
What to pack in your maternity bag? A labor bag checklist is a great way not to forget the essentials. A twin pregnancy rarely goes full term, on average twins are delivered between 34 and 38 weeks, so be prepared and have your bags ready at 28 weeks.
There are many things to consider when packing your maternity bag to make your time in hospital as comfortable as possible when having twins:
Labor bag checklist for Mom:
- Nursing bras and breast pads, you can either buy disposable or reusable ones
- Comfortable underwear – lots and lots of them, dark colours are best
- Maxi-Pads
- Nipple cream – if you plan on breast feeding this is a must have they can often get quite sore
- Nightgowns – after labor this will be ideal for comfort or use the hospital gowns, this will save you on washing
- Slippers and a Robe
- Massage lotion or oil for during labor, be sure to use one with no scent, you want your babies to smell you not the lotion/oil
- Flip flops – if you want these for the hospital showers
- Personal items such as; Toothbrush and toothpaste, Deodorant, Soap, Shampoo and Conditioner,
- Lip balm
- Hair brush, Hair ties/Head band
- A comfortable change of clothes to wear home
- Mobile phone and charger
- Portable music system and charger, listening to soothing music during labor can help get you through those contractions
- Magazines and/or a book
- Any vitamins or medications you have been taking
- A folder for all the paper work you will receive – organization is key
Dad/Support Partner will need:
Also include on your labor bag checklist the following for your support partner and twin babies…
- Camera and charger – to get those first precious moments
- A copy of the Birth Plan
- Change for vending machines, parking and phone
- A change of clothes
- Toothbrush and toothpaste
- Snacks and a drink – you wouldn’t want to miss anything
- Mobile and charger
Your baby twins will need:
- Baby clothes – include lots of layers to keep them warm, hats, booties and mittens
- Diapers and baby wipes
- Swaddling wraps and blankets
- Car Seats – Have these ready and installed before you go into labor
- Baby bottles – if you have decided to bottle feed you will also need to bring sterilizing equipment and the formula of your choice.
Use this list as a guide, add or remove items as you see fit.
Twin Tip
If you are having identical twins, or even same sex fraternal twins, include on your checklist two different toys (maybe a cuddly bear), each twin will have their own, this will help to identify who is who so there are no mix ups. Another idea is to use different colored hats.
Have you got any further questions, then check out our FAQs for a Twin Pregnancy